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Leave a legacy that lives on
Many families choose cremation in order to be able to scatter ashes in a special and meaningful location. Over time however, such significant places may change through circumstances including family relocation, land ownership issues and developments.
As an alternative to scattering ashes, you can now plant a living landmark where friends and family can celebrate a loved one’s circle of life.
We can return ashes to the earth without causing harm. Our organic process gradually transforms the ashes into nutrients that help trees grow.
Some families like to choose a tree that flowers on their loved one’s birthday, others choose a tree that symbolises other special memories. Those trees create seeds and seedlings, so their legacy continues to live on.
Available Trees @ Macquarie Park
Southern Magnolia
Chinese Magnolia
Crepe Myrtle
Chinese Elm
Chinese Pistachio
Available Trees @ Frenchs Forest Davidson
Bottle Brush